

Industry trends

The role value of e-commerce enterprises

The role value of e-commerce enterprises

1. It greatly improves the transaction speed, especially the transaction speed in a wide range, and improves the efficiency. For example, in terms of B2B platform and B2C platform, e-commerce system can provide a faster and more efficient communication channel for keeping close contact with customers and strengthening cooperation with suppliers.

2. For example, e-mail saves communication and postage, while EDI saves management and personnel costs. For example, as far as B2C platform is concerned, the sales and services that can be provided online have cost-effective advantages that offline stores can't compare.

3. It improves the service quality, and can provide the information of enterprise and its products and the service needed by customers in a quick and convenient way. Consumers have been used to searching for commodity information on the Internet, and will have a certain sense of trust in satisfactory information sources in the process, so as to form a purchase; and B2C platform will provide a powerful information display function to promote sales on the basis of the number of views.